Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The First Christmas

This is a set that will see lots of use over the years! It has (almost) every figure you would expect to see in the Christmas story.....the Holy Family, the stable, the new star, an angel, a shepherd with 2 lambs, and three Wisemen. What makes this story unique is that it is told in the form of questions..."Why was there a new star? Why did an angel tell shepherds about the baby? Why did Wisemen travel from afar to worship him? Because baby Jesus was the Son of God!" This flannel board set doesn't stop here. It tells how Jesus grew to be a man, that he organized his church, taught his gospel, healed the sick and worked miracles. Jesus knew he would suffer and die for us because he is our Savior. Three days after his death he rose again in the Resurrection. addition to the figures listed above, this set also has the figure of Jesus as a man. His head is removable so it can be placed on the angel's body to make Jesus a resurrected figure. The stable reverses to show the tomb.

After I created this set with the stable reversing to show the tomb, I realized that these two places represent two births...Jesus' birth into mortality and his birth into immortality. This was a new realization for me and I love the symbolism.

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